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Ensuring Justice, Maintaining Professionalism, Protecting the Public

About Us

Functions and Members

Education and Accreditation Committee

The Education and Accreditation Committee is established by the Council to perform the following functions:-

to determine, upon the recommendation of the Academy of Medicine, the specialties under which names of registered medical practitioners may be included in the Specialist Register;

to recommend to the Council, upon the recommendation of the Academy of Medicine, the qualification, experience and any other attributes that qualify a registered medical practitioner to have his name included in the Specialist Register under a particular specialty determined by the Committee under paragraph (a);

to recommend to the Council the procedures, documentations and fees payable for including the name of a registered medical practitioner in the Specialist Register;

to recommend and review the standard and structure of undergraduate medical education and medical training required for a person to become a registered medical practitioner;

to recommend to the Council whether the name of a registered medical practitioner should be included in or removed from the Specialist Register; and

to make recommendations to an inquiry panel on a referral under section 20Y(a) of the Medical Registration Ordinance.

The current membership of the Education and Accreditation Committee is as follows:-

Chairman : Dr LEE Wai-hung, Danny
Members : Prof. CHAN Ka-leung, Francis, SBS, JP
  Dr CHONG King-yee
  Dr CHUNG Kin-lai
  Prof. LAM Hung-san, Hugh Simon
  Prof. LAM Lo-kuen, Cindy, MH JP
  Dr LAU Kui-kai, Gary
  Dr LEE Pui-wah, Pamela
  Prof. LI Kam-tao, Philip
  Dr MAK Siu-king
  Dr SUN Tin-fung, David
  Prof. WONG Chi-sang, Martin
  Prof. WONG Yeung-shan, Samuel
  Dr WU Wing-yee, Clara
Legal Adviser : Mr Edward SHUM
Secretary : Mr Patrick WONG