About Us
Functions and Members
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee is established by the Council and its functions include:-
to study and review any case relating to medical ethics or professional conduct, either on its own motion or at the request in writing of not less than 20 registered medical practitioners;
to advise and make recommendations to the Council on matters about medical ethics and professional conduct generally;
to make recommendations to an inquiry panel on a referral under section 20Y(a) of the Medical Registration Ordinance.
The current membership of the Ethics Committee is as follows:-
Chairman : | Dr YEUNG Hip-wo, Victor |
Members : | Dr CHAN Nim-tak, Douglas |
Dr Pierre CHAN | |
Dr CHAN Tsz-tai | |
Dr CHOW Wing-sun | |
Dr CHOY Chung-ming, Eric | |
Dr HO Hung-kwong, Duncan | |
Ms HUI Mei-sheung,Tennessy, MH JP * | |
Mr LAM Chi-yau * | |
Dr LING Siu-chi, Tony | |
Mr MA Siu-leung, BBS MH # | |
Dr TSE Chun-yan, MH | |
Legal Adviser : | Mr Edward SHUM |
Secretary : | Mr William CHOW |
* Lay members of the Council
# Lay person