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Ensuring Justice, Maintaining Professionalism, Protecting the Public

About Us

Functions and Members

Health Committee

The functions of the Health Committee are as follows:-

to conduct a hearing into any case or matter concerning the health or physical or mental fitness to practise of any registered medical practitioner, whether or not the case or matter has been investigated by a Preliminary Investigation Committee or inquired into by an inquiry panel;

to conduct a hearing into cases referred to it by an inquiry panel under section 20Y(a) or 21(1)(ivb) of the Medical Registration Ordinance;

to make a recommendation to the Council, after due hearing conducted under paragraph (a) or (b) into a case or matter, that the name of a registered medical practitioner be removed from the General Register permanently or for any period not exceeding 12 months, and that such an order for removal be suspended subject to such conditions as recommended by the Health Committee, where appropriate; and

to recommend the extension, not exceeding 12 months, of a period of temporary removal of name recommended under paragraph (c).

The current membership of the Health Committee is as follows:-

Chairman : Dr CHOW Yu-fat
Members : Mr CHAN Wing-kai *
  Dr CHAN Yee-shing
  Dr CHAU Wai-ho,Steven
  Prof. CHEUNG Chi-wai
  Dr CHICK Wai-keung
  Dr HO Pak-leung, JP
  Dr KWOK Ching-yee
  Mr LAI Kwan-ho, Raymond ^
  Dr LEE Siu-yin, Ruby, JP
  Dr LAI Wing-him
  Dr TSANG Kay-yan
Legal Adviser : Mr Edward SHUM
Secretary : Ms Maria CHOW

* Lay member of the Council
^ Lay assessor of the Council