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Ensuring Justice, Maintaining Professionalism, Protecting the Public

About Us

Functions and Members

The Medical Council of Hong Kong

The Medical Council of Hong Kong (the Council) is established under the Medical Registration Ordinance, Cap. 161, Laws of Hong Kong to handle registration and disciplinary regulation of medical practitioners in Hong Kong.


As stipulated in the amended section 3(2) of the Medical Registration Ordinance, which has come into operation on 6 April 2018, the Council shall comprise 24 registered medical practitioners and 8 lay members as follows:-

2 registered medical practitioners nominated respectively by:
  • University of Hong Kong;
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
  • Hong Kong Academy of Medicine;

the Director of Health, or his/her representative, as an ex officio member;

the Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority, or his/her representative, as an ex officio member;

7 registered medical practitioners who are members of the Hong Kong Medical Association (“HKMA”) nominated and elected by the HKMA;

7 registered medical practitioners who are ordinarily resident in Hong Kong elected by all registered medical practitioners;

2 registered medical practitioners who are Fellows of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (“HKAM”) nominated and elected by the HKAM;

4 lay members appointed by the Chief Executive;

3 lay members elected by patient organizations; and

1 lay member nominated by the Consumer Council.

The Director of Health is the ex-officio Registrar of Medical Practitioners.


The current membership of the Council is as follows:-

Chairman : Prof. TANG Wai-king, Grace, SBS, JP
Members : Mrs BIRCH LEE Suk-yee, Sandra, GBS, JP *
  Prof. CHAN Ka-leung, Francis, SBS, JP
  Dr Pierre CHAN
  Mr CHAN Wing-kai *
  Dr CHAN Yee-shing
  Dr CHENG Chi-man
  Dr CHEUNG Chin-pang
  Dr CHOI Kin, Gabriel
  Dr CHOW Wing-sun
  Dr CHOW Yu-fat
  Dr CHUNG Kin-lai
  Prof. FOK Tai-fai, SBS, JP
  Ms FUNG Dun-mi, Amy, MH, JP *
  Dr HO Hung-kwong, Duncan
  Dr HO Pak-leung, JP
  Dr IP Wing-yuk
  Mr LAM Chi-yau *
  Dr LAM Man-kin, Ronald, JP
  Miss LAU Queenie Fiona, SC *
  Dr LEE Wai-hung, Danny
  Ms LI Siu-hung *
  Prof. LIANG Hin-suen, Raymond, SBS, JP
  Dr LING Siu-chi, Tony
  Ms LIU Lai-yun, Amanda *
  Dr LUNG David Christopher, MH
  Dr MAK Siu-king
  Dr MARCET Marcus Mitchell
  Dr SO Yui-chi
  Prof. WONG Chi-sang, Martin
  Mr WONG Hin-wing, Simon, MH JP *
  Dr YEUNG Hip-wo, Victor
Legal Adviser : Mr Edward SHUM
  Mr NG Cheuk-kwan, Stanley
Secretary : Ms Catherine WONG

* Lay member of the Council

Attendance of Members at the Policy Meetings of the Medical Council in 2022

Attendance of Members at the Disciplinary Inquires of the Medical Council in 2022