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Ensuring Justice, Maintaining Professionalism, Protecting the Public

About Us

Functions and Members


Lay Assessors and Medical Assessors are appointed by the Council under section 20BB and 20BC of the Medical Registration Ordinance respectively. Assessors may be appointed as members of the Preliminary Investigation Committee, the Inquiry Panel and/or the Health Committee of the Council.

The list of Lay Assessors and Medical Assessors is as follows –

Lay Assessors : Mr CHAN Hiu-fung, Nicholas, BBS MH JP
  Ms CHOW Anna M W
  Ms CHUI Hoi-yee, Heidi
  Ms HO Yuk-wai, Joan
  Mr HUI Cheuk-lun, Lawrence
  Mr LAI Hing-kwan
  Mr LAI Kwan-ho, Raymond
  Mr LAM Ho-yan, Mike
  Ms LAU Sze-wan, Serena, MH JP
  Mr LAW Yu-wing
  Miss LEE Suk-yee, Rosalind
  Mr LI Chun-tak
  Mr LUI Wing-cheung, Kenneth
  Ms MA Man-chi
  Mr MO Pak-kuen
  Mr NG Ting-shan
  Ms SHARMA Asha Rani
  Mr TSANG Kin-ping
  Ms WONG Careen
  Mr WONG Ka-kin, Andy
  Ms WU Ka-lai, Cary
  Ms WU Teresa
  Mr YEUNG Chi-wai, Edwin, MH
  Mr YUEN Hon-lam, Joseph
Medical Assessors : Dr BEH Swan-lip
  Dr CHAN Hung-chiu, Peter
  Dr CHAN Nim-tak, Douglas
  Dr CHAN Pik-kei, Osburga
  Dr CHEUNG Wan-kit, Raymond
  Dr CHIU Shing-ping, James
  Dr CHOY Chung-ming, Eric
  Dr CHUNG Wai-hung, Thomas
  Dr HAU Kai-ching
  Dr Hsu Yung-chak
  Prof. HUI Mamie
  Prof. KONG Pik-shan, Alice
  Dr KWOK Kam-hung
  Dr LAI Wing-him
  Dr LAU Ho-lim
  Prof. LAU Yu-lung, BBS JP
  Dr LEE Kin-wing, Vivian
  Dr LEUNG Hon-fai, Henry
  Dr LEUNG Kit-hung, Anne
  Dr LI Wilson
  Prof. LUI Cho-ze, Joseph
  Dr NG Kwok-keung, JP
  Dr SO Hing-yu
  Prof. SZETO Cheuk-chun
  Dr TAM Sau-man, Barbara
  Prof. TAN Choon-beng, Kathryn
  Dr TONG Kai-sing
  Dr WAI Yuk-chun, Veronica
  Prof. WONG Kwok-chu, George
  Dr WONG Mo-lin, Maureen
  Dr WUN Yiu-chung