CME Programme for Practising Doctors who are not taking CME Programme for Specialists
List of Doctors awarded with CME Certificates
Under the CME Programme for Practising Doctors who are not taking CME Programme for specialists, participating doctors who have obtained 30 or more CME points in a year within their three-year CME cycle will be awarded a Certificate to certify that they have achieved a satisfactory level of CME activity during that particular period of time. Such a CME Certificate can be displayed inside the doctor's office.
Based on the reports of CME points obtained by their registrant doctors from the four CME Programme Administrators, the Education and Accreditation Committee will recommend to the Medical Council the award of the CME Certificates to eligible doctors. To view the list of doctors who have been approved by the Medical Council for the award of a CME Certificate for the year ending 31.12.2013 and thereafter, please click here. For the list of doctors who have been awarded a CME certificate for the year before 31.12.2013, please click here. The list of CME Certificate recipients will be updated from time to time.