Complaints and Disciplinary Inquiries
Complaints Against Doctors
Many doctors perceive us as being anti-doctor and too much on the side of the complainant. Conversely, many complainants perceive us as being too much on the side of the doctors. None of these perceptions are true.
We are not a body with unlimited powers. We must:
- operate within the power given to us under the Medical Registration Ordinance, Chapter 161, Laws of Hong Kong;
- meet the requirement of natural justice;
- establish charges of professional misconduct to the required legal onus and standard of proof; and
- follow the investigative procedures in compliance with the provisions of the Medical Registration Ordinance and the Medical Practitioners (Registration and Disciplinary Procedure) Regulation.
We are only empowered to consider the professional conduct of registered medical practitioners. We have no jurisdiction on unregistered persons, hospitals or other organizations.