Guidelines and Information for Medical Practitioners
Quotable Appointments
List of Quotable Appointments by Private Healthcare Facilities and Medical Clinics accepted under the Rules on Quotable Appointments
On the recommendation of the Education and Accreditation Committee, the Medical Council has confirmed that the appointment systems of the following institutions as acceptable under paragraph 2(c) of the Rules on Quotable Appointments. Individual doctors can quote the appointments which are accepted by the Council as quotable as included in the current List for the purpose of professional practice in Hong Kong.
If there are any subsequent additions of appointments, or changes of titles of or criteria for the quotable appointments, the institution concerned has to apply to the Council for quotability of such appointments before they could be quoted by individual doctors with such appointments. Any such application would be processed by the Council in an annual exercise, with the application period being September every year. The QA List will be updated from time to time. Members of the profession are advised to check the quotability of any appointments made by the institutions before quoting them for the purpose of professional practice in Hong Kong. |