Guidelines and Information for Medical Practitioners
Quotable Qualifications
Revised Guidelines for Consideration of Quotable Qualifications and Application Form for Inclusion of a Qualification in the List of Quotable Qualifications
- Revised Guidelines for Consideration of Quotable Qualifications
- Application Form for Inclusion of a Qualification in the List of Quotable Qualifications
On the recommendation of the Education and Accreditation Committee, the Medical Council at its Policy Meeting on 12 July 2016 decided to amend the above revised guidelines with the addition of paragraph 2(d) to set out the reference standard of contact hours of taught Postgraduate Diploma programme and taught Master programme or the equivalent.
Applicants are reminded that the fulfillment of the revised guidelines will be the minimum requirement for consideration for inclusion in the List of Quotable Qualifications and the Council and the EAC will also take into consideration other relevant factors arising in the particular circumstances of each case.
(For information on the Personal Information Collection Statement, please click here.)